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scientific Comittee


Patricia Melgar Alcantud, University of Girona. Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Violence Against Women"



Oriol Ríos González, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona. Director of the scientific journal "Masculinities and Social Change".



Consol Aguilar Ródenas. Universitat Jaume I. Director of theresearch group "Didactics of language and literature and critical pedagogy" which includes gender and identity formation in its lines of research.

Marta Aliño Costa. Director of the Master's Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology and Doctor in Neurosciences. Member of the research group "Psychology and Quality of Life" at the International University of Valencia.

Joaquina Álvarez Marrón. President of the Association of Women Researchers & Technologists. Scientific Researcher at the "Jaume Almera" Institute of Earth Sciences of the CSIC.

Alejandra Boni Aristizabal. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Vice Director ofInnovation and Knowledge Management Institute, INGENIO. Deputy editor ofJournal of Human Development and Capability.


Ainhoa Flecha Fdz by Sanmamed. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Author of WoS articles linked to feminism, cultural groups and education.

Pascuala García Martínez. University of Valencia. President of the Specialized Group of Women in Physics of the Royal Spanish Society of Physics. President of the AMIT-MuCVal node. Director of the Equality Commission of the Faculty of Physics.

Leire Gartzia Fernandez. Deusto Business School. Professor and Researcher. Author of WoS articles linked to Leadership and Development of Work Teams with a Gender Perspective

Monique Leivas Vargas. Polytechnic University of Valencia - CSIC. Researcher at Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Management, INGENIO.

Beatriz Muñoz González. University of Extremadura. Professor of Sociology. 

Lidia Puigvert Mallart. University of Barcelona. Co-author with Judith Butler and Elizabeth Beck-Gernsheim of the book "Women and Social Transformation"

Emma Sallent Del Colombo. University of Barcelona. Former member of the UB Equality commission. AVAP evaluator for aspects related to the gender perspective in research.

Gema Tomás Martínez. University of Deusto. Professor of Civil Law. Dean of the Faculty of Law.

Beatriz Villarejo Carballido. University of Deusto. Editor-in-chief of the "Feminist Diary"

Coordinating research lines

1. End of poverty :

Carmen Guiralt Gomar. International University of Valencia (VIU). Coordinator of the Degree in Primary Education.

3. Health and Wellbeing

Arantxa Duque Moreno. Doctor in Neuroscience. Director of the Degree in Psychology and member of the research group "Psychology and Quality of Life" at the International University of Valencia.

Paula Martínez López. Doctor in Psychology. Coordinator of the Degree in Psychology and Member of the research group "Psychology and Quality of Life" of the International University of Valencia.

4. Quality Education:

Francesc Llorens Martínez. International University of Valencia. Academic Director of the Education Area. Member of the editorial committee of Harvard Deusto "Learning and Pedagogics".

5. Gender Equality

Pau Crespo Donet. Director of the Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Intervention at the International University of Valencia. Sociologist and criminologist.

8. Decent work and economic growth:

María José Gómez Aguilella. Director of the Master's Degree in Marketing Management and Commercial Management. International University of Valencia (VIU)

10. Reduction of inequalities:

Patricia Motos Sellés. Director of the Degree in Primary Education at the International University of Valencia and member of the research group "Prevention of addictive behaviors in the youth population", from a gender perspective.

Organizing Committee


Esther Roca Campos. University of Valencia. Co-founder of the Feminist GroupScheherazade: dialoguing feminism


Susana Gómez Bretones. Catholic University of Valencia. Coordinator and co-founder of the Feminist GroupScheherazade: dialoguing feminism.

Laura Natividad Sancho. Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona. Co-Founder of the Feminist GroupScheherazade: dialoguing feminism.


Sofía Barrón Abad. International University of Valencia. Exhibition curator. 

Josep Maria Canal Barbany. International University of Valencia.  Co-founder of the Tagore d'Homes Group in Diàleg

Jose Luis Chofre Muñoz. CEFIRE Teacher Training Advisor of Gandia. Co-founder of the Tagore d'Homes Group in Diàleg

Monique Leivas Vargas. Polytechnic University of Valencia - CSIC. Researcher at Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Management, INGENIO.

Guillermo Legorburo Torres. Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona. Member of the "Grup Tagore: d'homes en diàleg". 

Pablo Lluch Alemany. University of Valencia. Member of the "Grup Tagore: d'homes en diàleg". 

Verónica Mas García. Coordinator of the Educational Guidance and Drawing specialties of the Master's Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching


Lucía Escabias Criado. Resident Doctor of Family and Community Medicine at Hospital la Fe, Valencia.

The implementation of CICFEM is carried out with the collaboration of a headquarters and management team located in the territory where the event is held.


The functions to which the management team is committed, as well as the host headquarters, are related to studying the possibilities of subsidies to cover congress expenses if necessary, the management and adaptation of the spaces necessary for the celebration of CICFEM, the arrangement of the appropriate material for the documentation of the congress, connections with the media to disseminate the event, as well as the organization of the volunteer work necessary to cover the different spaces and tasks of the congress. On the other hand, it will provide information regarding accommodation, catering and travel for attendees.

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