PROGRAM 2021 *
09:00h. Comunicaciones simultáneas 1
10:30h. Almuerzo
11:00h. Comunicaciones silmultáneas 2
12:30h. Comunicaciones simultáneas 3
13:45h. Descanso
14:20h. Brownbag Seminar
15:30h. Simposios simultáneos
17:00h. Café/merienda
16:30h. Opening of the congress
Rubén Sancho
Autonomous Secretary for Equality and Diversity. Generalitat Valenciana
Rosa Puchades
Vice-Rector for Social Responsibility and International Cooperation of the UPV
Alejandra Boni Aristizabal
Deputy Director of the Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
José Martí Parreño
Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer. Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU)
Teresa Sordé
President of AUCFEM, Asociación Universitaria de Ciencia, Feminismo y Masculinidades (University Association of Science, Feminism and Masculinities).
17:00h - 17:45h. Inaugural Conference.
"Historic achievements in overcoming second-order violence"
Presents: Mar Joanpere, professor at Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Lidia Puigvert
Professor at Universitat de Barcelona. Affiliated member at Centre for Community, Gender, and Social Justice.
Cambridge University.

Montserrat Sánchez
Deputy Director General of Lluita contra la Violència Masclista (Fight against gender Violence) .
Generalitat de Catalunya
18:00h - 19:30h. Panel 1
Feminism against COVID-19:Women's action against inequalities in the pandemic
Presents: Esther Roca, professor at Universitat de València

PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Professor at Nebrija University. Co-editor of the journal GÉNEROS Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies.

Member of the Women, Business and the Law team at the World Bank Group since 2016. Conducts research and analysis on laws and regulations that limit women's legal capacity, freedom of movement and access to financial services in different regions.

Professor of Medical Microbiology and Researcher. Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
The participation of the speakers in this congress shows their great commitment and solidarity with scientific advancement on gender issues and its dissemination. None of their travel and accommodation costs fall on the participant fees, they cover everything with their own means