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Communications accepted (First period of sending)


We present below the communications of the first delivery period that have already been reviewed and accepted. Communications submitted as of January 12 will be included on Saturday February 13.

We present them by working groups (ODS)


In a few days we will assign the day, time and room in which they will be presented, and the authors will receive an email with said information.


We remind that ALL authors must be registered for the congress before February 21st.








SDG 1: No poverty

SDG 2: Zero hunger


Bioinfo4women: Incorporating the perspective of sex and gender in Artificial Intelligence in Health

Buslón Valdez, Nataly; Rementeria, María José. Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain


Gender biases in artificial intelligence

Martinez, Naroa; Hooch, Helena. University of Deusto, Spain








SDG 3: Good health and well-being

SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production



The preventive socialization of Gender Violence through virtual Dialogical Literary Gatherings during confinement by CO VID-19

Tapia Martín, Luis (1); Domínguez-Hernández, Fernando (2); Garvín Fernández, Rosa (3). 1: Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain; 2: National University of Distance Education; 3: CEIP El Olivar


Street harassment as an urban discipline regime. Case analysis in Barcelona

Delgado Ontivero, Lionel Sebastián. University of Barcelona, ​​Spain


Advancing against sexual harassment in the workplace: contributions from the European ASTRAPI project

Girbés-Peco, Sandra (1); Puigvert Mallart, Lidia (2); Gómez Cuevas, Sara (2). 1: Department of Didactics and Educational Organization. Education Faculty. University of Barcelona, ​​Spain; 2: Department of Sociology. Faculty of Economics and Business. University of Barcelona, ​​Spain


Gender violence in dating and sporadic relationships in adolescents and young people and proposals for its prevention

Jaussi Nieva, Maria Luisa. University of Barcelona, ​​Spain


The role of public policies in the regulation and professionalization of the occupational care sector, one of the most feminized, based on a case study

Vicente Rabanaque, Teresa (1); Pérez Alonso, Yaiza (2). 1: University of Valencia, Spain; 2: University of Valencia, Spain


Bathrooms, university and prevention of gender violence

Ríos González, Oriol (1); Joanpere Foraster, Mar (1); Lluch Alemany, Pau (2) 1: Rovira i Virgili University, Spain; 2: University of Valencia


Gender Violence during the current COVID-19 pandemic: A double pandemic

Saus-Ortega, Carlos (1); Alemany-Anchel, María José (2); Gómez-Romero, María Rosario (3); Celda-Belinchón, Luis (4) 1: "La Fe" Nursing School of València; 2: Docent Unit of Comares of the Valencian Community; 3: Infermeria School "La Fe" of València; 4: Infermeria School "La Fe" of València


Dialogic Feminist gatherings and prevention of gender violence in girls with intellectual disabilities.

Natividad Sancho, Laura (1); Ruiz Eugenio, Laura (2); Rodrigres de Mello, Roseli (3). 1: University of Girona, Spain; 2: University of Barcelona; 3: Federal University of São Carlos,


Detrimental Effects of Sex and Gender Bias in Addressing the Covid-19 Pandemic

Gallego Andrés, Lucía; Penas Lago, Cristina; Sánchez Urtaza, Sandra; Moreno Fraile, Nerea. University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU, Spain


A qualitative analysis of the experiences of gender violence suffered by women.

Grace, Marcela (1); Reyes, Hyram (2); Bridge, Alicia (1); Ubillos Landa, Silvia (3); Martínez, Gonzalo (4); Wloarczyk, Anna (5); Alzugaray, Carolina (6). 1: University of the Basque Country, Spain; 2: Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico; 3: University of Burgos, Spain; 4: University of Viña del Mar, Chile; 5: Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile; 6: Santo Tomás University, Chile


The impact of dialogic literary gatherings on child and family well-being during home confinement

León-Jiménez, Susana (1); Ramis-Salas, Mimar (1); Gómez-Bretones, Susana (2); Febré-López, Blanca (3) 1: University of Barcelona, ​​Spain; 2: Catholic University of Valencia; 3: Sagrada Familia School of Valencia


Sex differences in well-being, perception of severity, perception of risk of contagion, and protective behaviors during confinement by COVID-19.

Ubillos- Landa, Silvia (1); Puente-Martínez, Alicia (2); González-Castro, José Luis (1); Gracia-Leiva, Marcela (2); Diez, Monica (1). 1: University of Burgos, Spain; 2: University of the Basque Country, Spain


The role of public policies in the regulation and professionalization of the occupational care sector, one of the most feminized, based on a case study

Vicente Rabanaque, Teresa (1); Pérez Alonso, Yaiza (2). 1: University of Valencia, Spain; 2: University of Valencia, Spain


Women, care and dependencies. A theoretical reflection from the analysis of legislative and bibliographic sources

Pérez Alonso, Yaiza (1); Vicente Rabanaque, Teresa (2). 1: University of Valencia, Spain; 2: University of Valencia, Spain


Mental health and health perception from a gender perspective

Fernández-Villardón, Aitana; Montero-Matellanes, Mikel; Gorbeña-Etxebarria, Susana. University of Deusto, Spain


Global consumer culture and sexist violence in Latin America in the XXI century. A look from Morin's complex thinking

Priscal, Richard. Edgar Morin Real World Multiversity










SDG 4: Quality education 

Half a century of authorship of women in archeology magazines in Spain (1970-2020)

Pastor Quiles, María (1); Mateo Corredor, Daniel (2) 1: Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica, Tarragona; 2: University of Alicante


Analysis of the perception of gender violence among adolescents in the municipality of Riba-roja de Turia

Valle Estivill, Silvia. Equality Momentum, Spanien


Detection of actions to improve the management of religious diversity in the Catalan workplace

El Miri Zeguari, Ouarda (1); Garcia Yeste, Carme (1); Álvarez Cifuentes, Pilar (2); De Botton Fernández, Lena (3) 1: Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain; 2: Pontifical University of Comillas, Madrid, Spain; 3: University of Barcelona, ​​Barcelona, ​​Spain


The philosophical thought of women hidden under the mask of the patriarchal canon within the educational field

Martí Ferre, Noemí. Ministry of Education Andalusia, Spain


Dialogic Feminist gatherings and prevention of gender violence in girls with intellectual disabilities.

Natividad Sancho, Laura (1); Ruiz Eugenio, Laura (2); Rodrigres de Mello, Roseli (3). 1: University of Girona, Spain; 2: University of Barcelona; 3: Federal University of São Carlos,


The territory of silences: the hidden curriculum in the textbooks of the Training and Labor Orientation module

Aparicio Sanmartín, Helena; Alemany Moreno, María Carmen. INSTITUO DE EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA JORGE JUAN, Spain


Breaking the silence on gender-based violence in a minority popular culture

Zubiri-Esnaola, Harkaitz (1); Santiago Garabieta, Maite (2). 1: University of the Basque Country, Spain; 2: University of Deusto, Spain


Strategies for the prevention of violence against women: reviewing the intervention proposals focused on helping behaviors in Spain

Ferrer-Perez, Victoria Aurora (1); Bosch-Fiol, Esperanza (1); Ferreiro-Basurto, Virginia (1); Delgado-Alvarez, Carmen (2); Sánchez-Prada, Andrés (2). 1: University of Balearic Islands, Spain; 2: Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain


The effects of traditional masculinity on men's health



Construction of the Valencian Youth. Old and new masculinities.

Rodríguez del Pino, Juan Antonio; Masanet Ripoll, Erika; González Sanjuan, María Eugenia. University of Valencia, Spain


Feminist thought in architecture. Towards an inclusive discipline.

Perez Moreno, Lucia Carmen. University of Zaragoza, Spain


The debate on feminism and inclusive language in the media

Guerrero Salazar, Susana. University of Malaga, Spain


The possibilities of the Sports Education model to improve gender relations from the teaching perspective

Reyes Martínez, Lucia; Lara Torres, Daniel. University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain


The philosophical thought of women hidden under the mask of the patriarchal canon within the educational field

Martí Ferre, Noemí. Ministry of Education Andalusia, Spain


Gender segregation in Vocational Training and its relationship with the COVID-19 pandemic

Aguado Hernández, Juli Antoni (1); Cano Montero, Francisco Javier (2); Sánchez Pérez, María José (3) 1: Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, University of Valencia, Spain; 2: Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, University of Valencia, Spain; 3: Departament de Mètodes d'Investigació i Diagnòstic Educatiu, Universitat de València, Spain


Evidence to question gender ageism in on-the-job training. Motivation to learn in mature workers and job skills

Íñiguez-Berrozpe, Tatiana; Elboj-Saso, Carmen; Romero-Marín, Sandra; Marcaletti, Francesco. University of Zaragoza, Spain


Exploratory Study on Changes in Sporadic Relationships During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ruiz Eugenio, Laura (1); Merodio, Guiomar (2); Gutiérrez, Nerea (3); López de Aguileta, Anne (1). 1: University of Barcelona, ​​Spain; 2: Antonio de Nebrija University, Spain; 3: University of Deusto, Spain


Violence-free educational contexts: Transfer of the Dialogical Model of Conflict Prevention and Resolution to a Special Education center

Carbonell Sevilla, Sara (1); Álvarez Guerrero, Garazi (2); Molina Roldán, Silvia (3); Padrós Cuxart, María (4); Canal Barbany, Josep María (5). 1: University of Girona, Spain; 2: University of Deusto, Spain; 3: University, Rovira i Virgili, Spain; 4: University of Barcelona, ​​Spain; 5: International University of Valencia, Spain


Social impact of an intervention program in preventive socialization of gender violence in adolescents

Tellado, Itxaso (1); Racionero, Sandra (2); Duque, Elena (2); Molina Roldán, Silvia (3). 1: University of Vic; 2: University of Barcelona;
3: Rovira i Virgili University


Dialogical reconstruction of violent affective-sexual memories through dialogical gatherings with "Radical Love"

Racionero Plaza, Sandra (1); Ugalde, Leire (2). 1: University of Barcelona; 2: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU)


Quality Education: statistical quantification for a pact in Europe for the education of girls and on the origins of their exclusion in Spain, 18th-21st centuries.

González Hernández, Miguel-Ángel. University of Alicante, Spain


Mestres of the Freinetista dam in the Valencià Country.

Ordóñez Aguilar, Estrella. Polytechnic University of Valencia


Concha Calvo Mas. The imprint of scientific literacy in the training of teachers

Aguilar Rodenas, Consol. Universitat Jaume I, Spain


Women in science in teacher training oriented towards Action Research

Sanchis Reig, Dámaris; Hurtado Soler, Homeless; Domenech, José Rafael sang. University of Valencia, Spain


Dialogic gatherings in a 2-year classroom for early preventive socialization of gender violence

Monar Del Castillo, Bárbara Vanessa (1); Salceda Mesa, Marifa (2). 1: CEIP Marina de Cudeyo, Spain; 2: Nebrija University


Dialogical Reconstruction of Memory towards the horizon of desired relationships

Torras-Gómez, Elisabeth (1); López de Aguileta, Garazi (2). 1: University of Barcelona, ​​Spain; 2: University of Wisconsin Madison, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, USA


Ingenious Women: Women Engineers

Rodriguez, Gloria (1); Romero, Ana (1); Bejarano, Maria Teresa (1); Martínez-González, Alicia (2); Domínguez, Ruth (1); García, Reyes (1);
Ballesteros, Rosario (1); González, Sofía (1); Gomez, Arantzazu (1); Haro, Isabel (1); Sierra, Dora (1); Vallez, Noelia (1). 1: University of Castilla-la Mancha, Spain; 2: University of Burgos, Spain


The preventive socialization of Gender Violence through virtual Dialogical Literary Gatherings during confinement by COVID-19

Tapia Martín, Luis (1); Domínguez-Hernández, Fernando (2); Garvín Fernández, Rosa (3). 1: Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain; 2: National University of Distance Education; 3: CEIP El Olivar


The role of social interactions in the prevention of gender violence from preventive socialization

Natividad Sancho, Laura University of Girona, Spain


Improve education by bringing science closer to citizens

Arrow, Ramón; Soler, Marta; Font Palomar, Marta. University of Barcelona, ​​Spain


"Open Door Actions". Evidence-based actions for the prevention of child abuse in educational communities

Valls, Rosa (1); Roca, Esther (2); Gairal Casadó, Regina (3); Pulido, Michelangelo (4). 1: University of Barcelona; 2: University of Valencia; 3: Rovira i Virgili University; 4: Ramon Llull University


Adam, Eve and Mary: Exemplary and marginalities in the university classroom

Gómez Echegoyen, Mónica Catalina; Alvarez Muguruza, Iraide; Ahedo Gurrutxaga, Igor. University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


Assemblies in early childhood education in favor of contexts free of gender violence: the case of IPI Sansomendi.

Khalfaoui, Andrea; García Carrión, Rocío; Villardón Gallego, Lourdes; Uriarte Bilbao, Idoia. University of Deusto, Spain


We need women in history classes. Teachers as the key to change: analysis of their conceptions about the teaching of women's history

Apaolaza-Llorente, Dorleta; Castrillo, Janire; Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia. University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU, Spain










SDG 5: Gender equality 




Evidence to question gender ageism in on-the-job training. Motivation to learn in mature workers and job skills

Íñiguez-Berrozpe, Tatiana; Elboj-Saso, Carmen; Romero-Marín, Sandra; Marcaletti, Francesco. University of Zaragoza, Spain


Leadership of girls and young people in educational centers

Pulido, Cristina (1); Guo, Mengna (2); Redondo-Sama, Gisela (3). 1: Autonomous University of Barcelona; 2: University of Barcelona; 3: University of Deusto


Rereading museum collections for an egalitarian visual culture

Pérez-Martín, Mariángeles. Independent, Spanien


Exploratory Study on Changes in Sporadic Relationships During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ruiz Eugenio, Laura (1); Merodio, Guiomar (2); Gutiérrez, Nerea (3); López de Aguileta, Anne (1). 1: University of Barcelona, ​​Spain; 2: Antonio de Nebrija University, Spain; 3: University of Deusto, Spain


Social impact of an intervention program in preventive socialization of gender violence in adolescents

Tellado, Itxaso (1); Racionero, Sandra (2); Duque, Elena (2); Molina Roldán, Silvia (3). 1: University of Vic; 2: University of Barcelona; 3: Rovira i Virgili University


Dialogical reconstruction of violent affective-sexual memories through dialogical gatherings with "Radical Love"

Racionero Plaza, Sandra (1); Ugalde, Leire (2). 1: University of Barcelona; 2: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU)


Reviewing the organizational practices: what are the processes of pro equitat de gènere organizational canvi?

Maicas-Pérez, Marta. INGENIO CSIC - Polytechnic University of Valencia


Quality Education: statistical quantification for a pact in Europe for the education of girls and on the origins of their exclusion in Spain, 18th-21st centuries.

González Hernández, Miguel-Ángel. University of Alicante, Spain


Criticism of Psycho as a tool for detecting bullying with a gender perspective

Guillem Monzón, Gonzalo. UJI, Spain


Mestres of the Freinetista dam in the Valencià Country.

Ordóñez Aguilar, Estrella. UPV


Self-care in HIV-positive women in Chiclayo, Peru. A gender perspective.

Aguayo-González, Mariela (1); Leyva-Moral, Juan M. (1); Palmieri, Patrick (3); Loayza-Enríquez, Blanka (2); Guevara-Vásquez, Genesis (2);
Elías-Bravo, Úrsula (2); Dávila-Olano, Lucia (2); Edwards, Joan (4). 1: Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​Barcelona Spain; 2: University of Chiclayo, Chiclayo, Peru; 3: Norbert Wiener Private University (Lima, Peru); 4: Texas Woman's Universtiy (Houston, USA)


Half a century of authorship of women in archeology magazines in Spain (1970-2020)

Pastor Quiles, María (1); Mateo Corredor, Daniel (2). 1: Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica, Tarragona; 2: University of Alicante


Analysis of the perception of gender violence among adolescents in the municipality of Riba-roja de Turia

Valle Estivill, Silvia. Equality Momentum, Spain






SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation




Detrimental Effects of Sex and Gender Bias in Addressing the Covid-19 Pandemic

Gallego Andrés, Lucía; Penas Lago, Cristina; Sánchez Urtaza, Sandra; Moreno Fraile, Nerea. University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU, Spain


Strategies to prevent, address and confront Gender Violence in the Roma community from the Institutions.

Elboj, Carmen (1); Morlà-Folch, Teresa (2); Sordé, Teresa (3). 1: Zaragoza University; 2: University Rovira i Virgili; 3: Autonomous University of Barcelona


Women in science in teacher training oriented towards Action Research

Sanchis Reig, Dámaris; Hurtado Soler, Homeless; Domenech, José Rafael sang. University of Valencia, Spain


Dialogic gatherings in a 2-year classroom for early preventive socialization of gender violence

Monar Del Castillo, Bárbara Vanessa (1); Salceda Mesa, Marifa (2). 1: CEIP Marina de Cudeyo, Spain; 2: Nebrija University


A qualitative analysis of the experiences of gender violence suffered by women.

Grace, Marcela (1); Reyes, Hyram (2); Bridge, Alicia (1); Ubillos Landa, Silvia (3); Martínez, Gonzalo (4); Wloarczyk, Anna (5); Alzugaray, Carolina (6). 1: University of the Basque Country, Spain; 2: Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico; 3: University of Burgos, Spain; 4: University of Viña del Mar, Chile; 5: Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile; 6: Santo Tomás University, Chile


Discrimination and social recognition of victims of political violence in Colombia.

Bridge, Alicia (1); Ubillos, Silvia (2); Larsen, Randy (3); Prizmic, Z. (3); Martínez, Gonzálo (4); Reyes, Hiram (5); Gonzalez, Jose Luis (1)

1: University of the Basque Country, Spain; 2: University of Burgos, Spain; 3: Washington University in St. Louis; 4: University of Viña del Mar, Chile; 5: Autonomous University of Coahuila, Mexico


Popular music i gènere: actions per al canvi

Gallego Perales, Reis. University of Valencia, Spain











SDG 16: Peace, Justice and strong institutions

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure




Dialogical Reconstruction of Memory towards the horizon of desired relationships

Torras-Gómez, Elisabeth (1); López de Aguileta, Garazi (2). 1: University of Barcelona, ​​Spain; 2: University of Wisconsin Madison, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, USA













SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy

SDG 13: Climate Action



The impact of dialogic literary gatherings on child and family well-being during home confinement

León-Jiménez, Susana (1); Ramis-Salas, Mimar (1); Gómez-Bretones, Susana (2); Febré-López, Blanca (3). 1: University of Barcelona, ​​Spain; 2: Catholic University of Valencia; 3: Sagrada Familia School of Valencia


The participation and contributions of Maghreb women in accompaniment and socio-labor insertion processes in the Valencian Community.

Marín Traura, Susana. University of Valencia, Spain










SDG 15: Life on land

SDG 14: Life below water



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