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Zero-Violence Committee

The purpose of the Zero-Violence Committee of CICFEM is to guarantee that all the organization and development processes of the conference are free of both first- and second-order violence, and from all kinds of first- and second-order sexual harassment; committing to act to stop any type of manifestation, gesture, procedure, or treatment that implies harassment, coercion, intimidation, contempt or other form of physical, verbal, or symbolic aggression.

This Zero-Violence committee is established in relation to the UN code of conduct against sexual harassment "Zero Tolerance" , which establishes a clear position on harassment for any act or conference. In this way, CICFEM wishes to always maintain a feminist, scientific, and ethical debate that allows us to be free at the same time, and that the values on which we base the feminist declaration of CICFEM always endure.

The committee will ensure that this feminist statement is always present during the congress and at all events related to it (dinners, breaks, virtual spaces, etc.). It will ensure that in no case the principles contained in this statement are violated. For example: questions like asking about a person's sex life without their consent is harassment, even when we do it in a good mood and without malice. It will also ensure that insulting labels are not used for other people in Congress under feminist terms, especially since they have not been created for this but for the opposite.

Therefore, this committee shows that all of us who participate in CICFEM are very excited about continuing to open a feminist debate that is profound, that allows us to exercise freedom in each and every one of the spaces, at least, of this congress. . That allows us to incorporate science, ethics and plurality in its broadest and deepest sense, to each and every one of the dialogues and debates that we host here.

Therefore, it will protect all people who, within the framework of the organization and development of the Congress, report or feel victims of any type of violence, including, of course, gender violence -especially invisible in the academic environment- .

This committee makes the following email address available to all participants:, so that they can report situations or actions that they consider to involve latent or manifest violence and of which they feel they are victims or witnesses.

The Violence 0 Commission will act with scrupulous respect for the presumption of innocence and the anonymity of the victims and complainants, avoiding at all times a priori judgments and hasty statements that may contaminate the investigation/verification and action process that has been initiated.

Zero Violence Commission 

  • Oriol Ríos - AUCFEM Secretary

  • Patricia Melgar – Member of the Scientific Committee

  • Pau Lluch – University of Valencia, Grup Tagore d'Homes in Diàleg

  • Paula Canaveras. Grup de Dones Scheherazade and member of the Organizing Committee.

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